Reception Home Learning – Friday

Friday 5th March 2021:

Hi Families,

Happy Friday Everyone!

Today marks yet another milestone in our reception/lockdown/ home learning journey 🙂 It has been over 2 months since we've all been together and today it comes to an end! We have been here before, but I just want to say another BIG THANK YOU for showing up, dedicating so much time and effort (and blood, sweat and tears!) to your child's learning, communicating with me and juggling so many other things all at the same time - you are BRILLIANT!

Next week we can all be reunited into the classroom again - we are beyond excited to have all our wonderful children back in to school  and can't wait to welcome you all with big smiles on Monday morning 🙂

Today is a free day - no home learning is set but we have included links to bug club and phonics play below if you and your child would like to access these together.

PhonicsPlay - 

Bug Club - 

Purple Mash - 


Please check in with your children and chat to them about coming back into school on Monday, how they are feeling and whether they have any worries at all. It is a big deal coming back in after such a long time away. We will be here for your children as always and begin next week with well-being, settling back in and re-establishing their friendship circles.

Also talk about your wins and celebrate what you have all achieved during this lockdown period (since December) - it's no small feat for anyone!

Please continue to communicate with us 🙂

Take care!

See you Monday!