Montgomery Infant School and Nursery
Admissions Policy
Local Education Authority on Infant Admissions
Children are legally entitled to a full time place in school at the beginning of the academic year of their fifth birthday.
There is only one admission each year at Montgomery Infant School. We are a three form entry School with 90 children per year group and an additional 40 children in our School nursery. Our School Published admission number (PAN) is 270.
Parents must apply for a Reception place in Main school through Essex County Council. Applications can be made from the October before they start School, this closes at the beginning of January so you must apply before then.
Information on Admissions via Essex County Council can be found here.
For all Infant schools the following policy applies unless otherwise indicated:
There is no guarantee of a place for children living in the priority admissions area. All queries regarding admissions go through Essex County Council
In the event of over-subscription places will be allocated using the following criteria in the order given:
Looked after children and previously looked after children
Children with a sibling attending the school or the partner Junior School
Children attending Montgomery Infant School and Nursery eligible for the Service Premium
Children living in the priority admissions area
Remaining applications
In the event of over-subscription within any of the above criteria, priority will be determined by straight line distance from home to School, those living closest being given the highest priority.
Agreement for children living in the priority admission area
The LA may offer places above the published admission number (during and after the normal time of admission) in the following exceptional circumstances:
For infant classes at the class size limit: if the next nearest School with a space is not within a reasonable distance of the home address;
Where the admission would not breach the infant class size limit: if the journey to the next nearest School with a space is not reasonable in terms of distance, accessibility or cost.
Nursery Admission Policy
Places in the Nursery will be allocated to children who are Looked After, have siblings in the School, Service Personnel children, then those who live within the catchment area. Children may apply from out of catchment to ensure we have the full quota.
Children are admitted on a part-time or full-time basis in the term after they have their 3rd birthday for 15 or 30 hours per week.
Children will be admitted into main School as stated above.
Children joining the School after the beginning of the term will be placed in an appropriate class depending on number and structure at the time after an induction meeting.
A place in the Nursery does not guarantee a place in main school; however, children attending Montgomery Infant School and Nursery eligible for the service pupil premium will be given priority.
A formal application has to be made.
This policy will be reviewed annually.