The Monty Way


This is how we achieve together in school:


The Monty 'Learning Friends'


Monty Must Reads

Monty Must reads image
Monty Must Reads Rec image
Monty Must Reads Yr1 image
Monty Must Reads Yr2 image

Montgomery Family Groups

To aid transition through the school our children are grouped into 'Family groups' - Please click here for further information.

At Montgomery Infant School and Nursery, we uphold 'British Values' by:
All children are treated fairly and have an equal right to express their views and be listened to. Children have the opportunity to have their voices heard through the School Council.

Rules of law
The school’s ‘The Monty Way’ expectations are shared with all children. Children are taught why rules are important.

Individual liberty
All classrooms are set up to promote independence and children are encouraged to challenge their own learning through a range of activities including those which are accessible from home. Children are taught how to keep safe.

Mutual respect
Through assemblies and the curriculum, including the hidden curriculum, children are taught how to respect others even if their opinions and ideas differ from their own.

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
We celebrate the ‘Montgomery Family’ and are proud of the rich cultural differences that our families bring to the school. This is supported in our teaching of RE and in assemblies.

Equality Act 2010
At Montgomery Infant School and Nursery we do not discriminate against age, disability, ethnictiy and race, gender identity and reassignment, faith, religion and belief, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy, maternity and breastfeeding, sexual identity and orientation