Nursery - Maths Curriculum Overview
Reception - Maths curriculum overview
Reception Maths Medium Term Plans
Year 1 -
Year 1 Maths - Autumn Term Weeks 1-4 - Place value
Year 1 - Autumn Term 2 Weeks 1-4 - Addition and subtraction
Year 1 Maths - Autumn Term 2 Weeks 4-6 - shapes
Year 1 Maths - Spring term 1 Weeks 1-3 - Place value spring
Year 1 Maths - Spring term 1 Weeks 4-5- Addition and subtraction within 20
Year 1 Maths - Spring term 2 Weeks 4-5 - Length and height, Mass capacity
Year 1 Maths - Spring term 2 Weeks 6-7 - Place value to 50
Year 1 Maths - Summer term 1 Weeks 4-5 - Multiplication and division
Year 1 Maths - Summer term 1 Weeks 6 - Position and direction
Year 1 Maths - Summer term Weeks 1-3 - Fractions
Year 1 Maths - Summer term 2 Weeks 3-4 - Place value to 100
Year 1 Maths - Summer term 2 Weeks 5-7 - Money and time
Year 2 -
Year 2 Maths Medium Term Plans
Whole School:
Montgomery Infants Calculation Policy
Whole School Maths Progression
Yearly Overview document can be accessed here: Maths Long Term Plans Reception-Year 2